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Unravel The Thread: Living the Yoga Sutra today

A beginner's complete guide to living the Yoga Sutra today

Can the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali be applied today? Sutra means thread. Yoga Sutra is the thread of yoga. Most interpretations of the Yoga Sutra are complex and hard to understand. After investing more than 12 years studying, chanting and teaching the Yoga Sutras, Ruben Vasquez guides you on a journey exploring the wisdom of the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali. This ancient wisdom is relevant and applicable for yoga students and teachers today. Besides clear explanations and examples, each episode offers useful questions to reconnect to your natural clarity and harmony. Unravel the Thread is an invitation to be joyfully present in your life.

Nov 28, 2022

Yoga Sutra 4.26 Gravitating toward liberation

Freedom from the sense of identity

Are there any attachments holding you back? What ideas limit your perspective? What notions limit your actions? Is there still some reactivity?
Would it be possible to feel at one with all of existence?

This is an excerpt from the book Unravel the Thread available at: 
Barnes and Noble
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