Dec 12, 2023
Weaving the Yoga Sutra: Gradual progress
Can you recognize that you are making progress toward your goal?
Examine your past actions, are you moving toward your goal? Some of our actions may have taken us away from our goal. This happens to most of us. Noticing that we stray from the goal is an indication of progress....
Nov 27, 2023
Weaving the Yoga Sutra: It's up to you
Embarking on the journey of self-discovery is your choice
YOGA, You Organically Growing Aware. Four aspects of yoga. Yoga cannot change your beliefs, dispositions, intentions, and actions, only you can! And because this is a lifelong, personal process, it is imperative that you...
Nov 22, 2023
Weaving the Yoga Sutra: Natural breath, long breath
Bringing our awareness to the process of breathing
In this practice we explore two ways of breathing, natural breath, and long breath. We alternate between these two options, paying attention to where the breath creates movement. As you pay attention to your breath, is...
Nov 13, 2023
Weaving the Yoga Sutra: What are you feeling?
What do you notice when you pay attention to your emotions?
In this practice, we explore how emotions manifest in our bodies through sensations, as well as the connections between emotions, thoughts, and memories. We have also explored the origin of emotions and our ability...
Nov 6, 2023
Weaving the Yoga Sutra: What are you thinking?
What do you notice when you pay attention to your thoughts?
In this practice we explored the nature of the thoughts we notice in our field of awareness. We paid attention to how our thoughts manifest, we also noticed their fluctuations, their location, their origin. We also...