Mar 29, 2021
What is the duration of your natural, involuntary
How does it compare to the duration of your natural exhalation?
Is there a brief pause during the transitions between exhalation
and inhalation?
Can you direct your breath to move the lower torso, mid torso and
upper torso?
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Mar 22, 2021
What is your level of awareness of your respiratory system?
What moves in your body when you breathe? Do you hold your breath
What are the connections between breath, activity, mind and
You can get your copy of the book Unravel the Thread at:
Mar 15, 2021
What are the dualities that influence your understanding?
To what extent are I and not I useful categories for enhancing the
quality of your life? What is the relationship between dualities
and preferences in your life?
You can get your copy of the book Unravel the Thread at:
Mar 8, 2021
What are the sources of your struggles when you practice asana?
Are your struggles a symptom of your assumptions and expectations?
What is your relationship to time in your practice?
Can your asana and vinyasa practice be a timeless abiding in
contemplative presence?
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Mar 1, 2021
Asana is striking a balance between steadiness and joy. Is there any strain, struggle or self-judgement in your physical yoga practice? How do you ensure that you are balancing your strength, flexibility, and relaxation?
You can get your copy of the book Unravel the Thread at: