Oct 26, 2020
What conditions are you putting on yourself, your life and others? What do you need in order to feel happy? Can the practice of gratitude open a door to contentment?
You can get your copy of the book Unravel the Thread at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1737648202/
Oct 19, 2020
Niyamas: Clarity (shaucha), Contentment (santosha), Enthusiasm (tapas), Wisdom (svadhyaya) and Humility (ishvara pranidhana)
Are there any sensations, thoughts and emotions that indicate you are aligning with purity in your choices, actions and interactions? When you pay attention to the results of your actions is there...
Oct 12, 2020
How much do I really need? To what extent does what I have contribute to enhance the quality of my life? What level of maintenance do my possessions require? Do I own what I have or does what I have own me? To what extent am I cultivating simplicity in my life?
You can get your copy of the book...
Oct 5, 2020
Brahmacharya is an invitation to become one with the life force
all around you. How am I cultivating life affirming thoughts,
attitudes, actions and interactions?
Are you awake to the miracle of life in everything that surrounds
You can get your copy of the book Unravel the Thread at: